
I help Successful Couples 
Radically Transform their Relationship. 

Have you achieved business or career success
but your love life is struggling?

Does The Following Sound Familiar?

• Over and over again you find yourself in the same old conflict or patterns of shutting down.

• No matter what you try it just doesn't seem to change things. You just cannot seem to find the answer.

• Sometimes you feel like you can never do anything right. 
It seems easier to keep quiet. 

• You are frustrated by your partner's avoidance or defensiveness. Or tired of their constant need to be right. 

• You are seriously starting to question whether it worth all the pain and hurt. 

• Maybe you are starting to think 'there must be someone else out there who is a better match for me?'

Where You Would Rather Be...

• You want to revive your connection and intimacy with your partner.

• You want to communicate with openness so that there is no 'elephant in the room'.

• It would be wonderful to experience just a simple touch that says 'I see you!'

• It would also be great to feel a sense of mutual respect and appreciation.

• Enjoying the feeling that you are a team, rooting for each other.

• Knowing that you are able to navigate the difficult times and always come back to each other.

If the above resonates, please know that all is not lost.

Like most couples, your relationship has been built on shaky ground. 

You may have been doing all the things you thought were the right thing to do.
However, as a result of the many dysfunctional societal messages you have received, you will have often been sabotaging your relationship, without even knowing it!

Relationship sabotage can be very subtle and not easy to spot.
Unfortunately it serves to create disconnection in yourself.
It is no coincidence that you are finding it difficult to create a deeper connection with your partner. 

There is also another important aspect to consider.
It may not be obvious but men and women are being conditioned to become disconnected from each other. Rather than working together as a team they often end up in a battle where their partner becomes 'the problem'.

All in all, our conditioning does a good job of keeping us in thinking and behaving from a place of fear. Fear of being rejected. Fear of not being lovable or enough.

This is exactly why you and so many other couples are going round in circles getting nowhere!

However, there is good news.
If there is still love between you and you have similar values, then transformation can just be around the corner.

The cause of your problem is never what you think it is.
When you can see how your own approach is contributing to your situation, you put yourself in a great position to respond to your struggles in a completely new way.

When you know how to work with your mind and your feelings in a healthier way, you will be able to create the kind of connection most people never get to experience. 

Your Energy is Key When it Comes to Love

Ultimately the energy behind your words and actions is crucial.
It does not matter what relationship tool or tip you use, if you use it
 from the wrong energy you will only get more of what you don't want.  

Your sabotage patterns have a significant impact on this energy.
If these patterns are running the show you will just continue
 to create more of what you are currently getting.

Your relationship success is therefore dependent on being able to
understand how sabotage shows up and how to move past it.

When you learn how to clean up and master your energy
EVERYTHING will start to change.

This is where you start to trust  in your own  ability to shift
the dynamic between you and your partner.
This is where you do not have to wait for your partner to change.

The truth is....

You have never been powerless to create the love you want.
You have just been led to believe that you are.

When you decide to take back this power, you realise that you have
a far greater capacity to create the consistent connection and intimacy
you have always wanted to believe was possible. 

I welcome you to this life changing work
and invite you to book a call with me to find out more.

My husband and I were going through a very big crisis in our relationship.
After 10 years, we were close to divorce, not because we wanted to
but because it seemed like there was no other way.
When my husband agreed to do couples coaching, I found Michele and she seemed to
have a different and very direct approach. We didn't regret it and thank god we did it!
The structure she provided is very powerful and helped us interact in a new, healthier way. 

What I have learned is not only about how to interact with my husband
in a different way but also how to be a more empowered human being.

I definitely recommend this program to anyone. It is definitely worth every cent.
She is there for you EVERY step of the way, doing the extra mile when needed.
Michele changed my life and I will never be thankful enough that our paths crossed one day!

Audrey, Switzerland

Relationship coaching and therapy available in Guildford, Surrey,
Harley Street London
and Online. 

This highly transformational work will help you step into your true power. Here you will be able to create a relationship that is fulfilling and consistently connected.

If you are not sure whether or not you want to stay in your relationship, this work will also help you get the clarity you are searching for. 

A love life where conflict, arguments and avoidance do not run the show!

Schedule a Complimentary Call

I offer 30 minute Complimentary Consultations
to help you explore your next best steps.


Why Your Love life
Has Fallen Behind 
Your Work Success

How to move past avoidance, conflict
and stagnancy in your relationship and
create long-lasting transformation.

(Short 10 Page Document)

Any testimonials stated on this page or on any pages on this website are proof of the success of Michele's work. Results may vary from person to person depending on your commitment and specific situation.

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