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1 to 1 Relationship Counselling For Men

Why do so many men struggle to create a relationship where they feel respected and loved for who they really are?

In a nutshell....

Your conditioning.

Historically you have received subtle messaging that it is not okay to feel discomfort. If you do, that means something is wrong with you or that something is wrong.

As a result you have had to shut down your feelings; beat yourself up; carry shame; be defensive; not know what to do with all the anger you feel; and avoid situations that make you feel uncomfortable.

Why your go to ways of dealing with issues in your relationship don't work...

Due to the above, it is often safer for you to hide behind the rational, logical mind in place of being more open and transparent.

As a result your partner often gets away with nagging, controlling and subtle manipulation (which for the most part is unintentional) because you either:
1. Just stay quiet to keep the peace.
2. Try to defend and justify yourself.
3. Use your anger against her when communicating.
All the while nothing changes and your partner is still not happy with you. 

What needs to change...

Firstly, it is time to take back your power from your feelings and emotions. Even if you are in touch with your feelings it is likely that you are not working with them in a way that creates connection and intimacy.
A man in his power feels alive, on purpose and acts with greater integrity. As a result he is more attractive and gains more respect from his partner.

He is able to step into his healthy masculine energy because he has a relationship with his feminine energy too.

Secondly, it is crucial to understand the nuances of being able to 'lead' your relationship where beneficial for you, your partner and your family. This is not about a man being domineering or controlling. This is about healthy relating that takes into account the different needs of men and women.  

Thirdly, the framework of communication has to change. Discomfort is part of life; we must learn to navigate it in our communication in a way that creates connection and intimacy rather than more dysfunction. 

Is this Relationship Mentoring for you?

My work is suited to successful men who are high achievers and have high standards of themselves. It requires the willingness to take full responsibility for your emotions, thinking and behaviour. 

It is designed to help you achieve a long-lasting RADICAL transformation in your relationship with self first and foremost. This is crucial to help you navigate your love life, whether you are single or in a relationship. 

If you choose to become my client I will help you to transform the  conditioned patterns of behaviour and thinking that hold you back.

You will become acutely aware of how your conditioned selves show up to sabotage your relationship: what they sound like and how they behave.

You will also discover how to utilise the powerful parts of you that are capable of creating a fulfilling, loving relationship that is way beyond the norm of dysfunctional, co-dependent relating.

If you would like to read more information about 
How I Work With My Clients
Please Click Here

Here's What's Possible...

*Transform the way you show up in your relationship, so that you feel confident, trusting and free to be yourself without needing to resort to defensiveness or avoidance.

*Stand strong in your boundaries to ensure that you can get the understanding, respect and support you want.

*Communicate in a way that helps your partner feel heard and understood. Bring her towards you rather than keeping her feeling 'unsafe' (energetically) from you.

*Step more boldly into your full power and be the highly magnetic and attractive partner your partner desires.

*Be able to lead your partner in a healthy way where beneficial for the long-term health of your relationship.

Ready To Transform Your Love Life?

1 to 1 Private Relationship 
Coaching and Mentoring

I invite you to schedule a complimentary call with me.
On this call we will discuss your situation and I will recommend various options.

If you are not sure whether you want to be in your relationship any more
I generally recommend a short series of sessions to help you get clarity.

If you are looking to improve your relationship and move past
current challenges
, I usually work with my male clients over 4 to 8 month durations. 

My programmes are fully supported in order to
help you achieve your highest transformation 

My sessions are online or face to face in
Guildford or in Bramley, just outside of Guildford, Surrey.

If you would like to read more information about 
How I Work With My Clients
Please Click Here

Schedule a Complimentary Call

 I offer 30 minute Complimentary Consultations
to help you explore your next best steps.

What My Male Clients Are Saying

"I can now engage with my partner on very sensitive subjects..."

"Working with Michele has really opened my eyes to the dynamics of my relationship with my partner. In particular, the things that I do and say that contribute to disharmony in our relationship. I also have a greater appreciation for my partner’s perspective and can see my triggers and not react as I have in the past.

I would say on the whole I am reacting less and I have more confidence in what I am seeing in our relationship, by being able to see what is and what isn't ok on both sides.

I am feeling better in myself and even my children have noticed and commented on positive differences in my mood and interactions. What has helped here is the process Michele teaches that allows me to work through and shift my feelings and emotions in a relatively short timeframe.

I also feel more able to understand deal with feelings and emotions in my relationship and critically not just sweep everything under the carpet. I can now engage with my partner on very sensitive subjects as a result of having a better understanding how to hear my partner better and not jump in and try to fix everything

Michele also provided great support between sessions, coupled with frameworks and methodologies that helped me to work through my relationship challenges.

I found Michele's engagement approach easy to work with, while also challenging my deep-set views in a very constructive and understandable way.

I would recommend Michele to other couples struggling to make sense of the dynamics in their relationship.


Surrey, UK.

"Learning and incorporating new ways of showing up in my relationship that have reduced tension and served to create greater connection"

"I decided to work with Michele with the view to improving my leadership and communication skills both at work and in my relationship. Throughout our sessions it became clear how much I can impact others either  negatively or positively with the way I communicate, not just verbally but also on an energetic level.   

Learning and incorporating new ways of showing up in my relationship that have reduced tension and served to create greater connection between my wife and I have also been invaluable...It has been a great exercise in looking at myself and becoming more of a pro-active force rather than someone who ‘life’ happens to.  

All of this together with becoming more aware of the ways in which I can take full responsibility for the outcomes I want to create and realizing that I am the one with the power to change things has been an empowering experience. I am grateful for Michele's support and guidance."



"Michele is the coach that can help you transform and reach the next level"

"I highly recommend working with Michele if you get the chance. Her work addresses areas of sabotage you are not consciously aware of and she incorporates a highly effective archetypal framework, which will help you in all areas of your life.

Michele is the coach that can help you transform and reach the next level."


Lausanne, Switzerland

"I feel really understood it is incredibly rare"

"I feel really understood it is incredibly rare. To have someone guide me through this process in this way. I thank my lucky stars I found Michele. I never thought this would be the effect. I feel so, so grateful and feel so much better. I have gone from sheer hopelessness and not being able to see the way forward to knowing that everything is starting to heal me. I can see the way now and I am looking forward to keep ironing things out in my life energetically and creating an upward spiral effect".



"I now have more patience with my children and am able to communicate with my wife with more compassion"

"Michele has helped me take my marriage and family life onto a whole new level as well as helping me with my anxiety issues. I now have more patience with my children and am able to communicate with my wife with more compassion and understanding. At the same time I feel more powerful in terms of not settling and staying stagnant in our relationship. I am much better at taking decisive action and am not afraid to broach subjects that were previously avoided. The archetypal work Michele used in our sessions was highly beneficial in helping me access greater confidence and a sense of what it felt like to stand fully in my own power. 
This is something I was never aware of beforehand  but has helped me recognise how much more influence I actually have in changing the areas of my life in I want to improve. This work has had a strong impact on me, I highly recommend it to any man who is looking to improve his relationship."


Geneva, Switzerland

Any testimonials stated on this page or on any pages on this website are proof of the success of Michele's work. Results may vary from person to person depending on your commitment and willingness to do the work involved.

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