

Please find below a range of client testimonials.

These are from previous clients who sought help from me for
Couples Coaching or Individual Relationship Therapy and Coaching. 

"Before you hit the button on divorce, try Michele!"

Before you hit the button on divorce, try Michele. We approached Michele at a time in our lives where, in theory, we should never have been happier, but in fact we’d never been more dissatisfied with our relationship or cross at each other. Despite our best efforts, we found ourselves stuck in repetitive, unresolved conversations and we
were struggling to communicate honestly without triggering each other. We needed a way to shift these patterns.
Michele’s unique framework and method provided us with invaluable tools to navigate our emotions and difficult conversations. Her approach encouraged us to become more curious and self-aware, which has made a significant difference in our interactions. As a result, we have experienced clear progress in our relationship:
- Our conversations have become less tense and reactive.
- We have developed more patience and are spending more quality time together.
- There is less need to be right and more willingness to cede the floor during discussions.
- We feel like more like a team again, with increased trust in each other.
- We have achieved a deeper level of honesty, both within ourselves and with each other.
- We have become more aware of our patterns and are more willing to acknowledge and own up to them.

The framework Michele provides has been instrumental in helping us move through our fears and the conversations that seemed to keep leading to repetitive and demoralising arguments. In a way that creates more freedom and openness. It has given us a method to keep coming back to each other and resolve difficult
conversations. Perhaps most importantly, this work has helped us recognise aspects of ourselves
that we were previously projecting onto our partner. This shift in perspective has been crucial for our growth as individuals and as a couple.
While we acknowledge there is still work to do, we are grateful for the progress we have  made. Michele’s guidance has helped us rediscover our connection and provided us with the tools to continue strengthening our relationship.

Cian and Samantha, Surrey

"I definitely recommend this program to anyone!"

My husband and I were going through a very big crisis in our relationship. After 10 years, we were close to divorce, not because we wanted to but because it seemed like there was no other way. When my husband agreed to do couples coaching, I found Michele and she seemed to have a different and very direct approach. We didn't regret it and thank god we did it! The structure she provided is very powerful and helped us interact in a new, healthier way.
Michele is an incredible coach and being a coach myself, I learned so much by interacting with her! She is direct but also caring.
What I have learned is not only about how to interact with my husband in a different way but also how to be a more empowered human being. I have been transforming and I can say with confidence that I am not the same person today that I was 3 months ago.
I definitely recommend this program to anyone! It is definitely worth every cent. She is there for you EVERY step of the way, doing the extra mile when needed. Michele changed my life and I will never be thankful enough that our paths crossed one day!

Audrey & Viktor, Lausanne, Switzerland

"Michele is courageous and fearless in her work and is not afraid to be direct

or to have the uncomfortable conversations which need having..."

Katrin: I feel very grateful to have met Michele. Her energy and her process worked very well for us as individuals and as a couple. It is so helpful being able to have difficult conversations with her facilitating. Michele is courageous and fearless in her work and is not afraid to be direct or to have the uncomfortable conversations which need having.

This work has also helped us deal with another family member in a totally new way and one that has created a significant shift in how we were all relating to each other. 

Peter:The first meeting we had was already hugely powerful because I felt very heard, which is has been rare in my life. Michele has made my life easier and has also helped me hugely with my work situation. All the work we have done has helped me release a lot of baggage. It has taught me to prioritise my well-being and how I feel. When I get myself in a good state everything flows. 

Peter and Katrin, Spain

"For the first time in my long adult life I am willing to show my vulnerability, 

something I regard as a superpower now that I see how attractive he finds this...."

We came to see Michele for a greater understanding of why my partner and I were mis-communicating, sometimes it seemed we spoke in a different language to each other.

Michele looked at examples and examined them with impartiality and understanding before suggesting a new framework of key words to begin or conversations also encouraged us to have a greater understanding of relationship polarity, the language we use that is negative and repelling versus that which is positive and attractive. 

For the first time in my long adult life I am willing to show my vulnerability, something I regard as a superpower now that I see how attractive he finds this and steps up to protect and treasure it.  To the untrained ear this may seem like manipulative and exploitative behaviour but completely the opposite, its playing to the strengths that we both have naturally rather than taking on roles that were so constantly testing us. Years of conversations that went along the same old grooves are now either no longer necessary or reframed in a language we both can understand and create change.

Throughout this achievement Michele was the guiding light, sometimes blindingly bright and challengingly spotlit, other times gently illuminating the way. I have a new toolbox for life and I share this skill with anyone who stands still long enough to listen.  Every woman should know these things and I am eternally grateful we found Michele at this critical time in our relationship. 
Helen, Hampshire. 

We are both feeling in such a good place and I can say on behalf of both of us, the techniques and tools which you have taught and shown us really have improved our relationship.  We are now working as a team . We look out for each other and are more respectful. From being the worst relationship for communication, it is now polar opposite to that.  We both talk much more freely and resolve any issues through discussion and support.  For that we owe you a big thank you!

I’m delighted that we found you and you got us back onto the right path.   Also, for me personally, many things you said to me, including ways to work through issues and feelings, are something that I am still practising and will continue to do so.  With so much going on currently for me, they have proven very useful tools.

Andrea & Nick, Surrey.

"Three months later we are moved back in together and

have a far greater ability to hear each other than ever before"

We found out more about each other in our initial 6 weeks with Michele than we did in 6 years of being together. When we started working with her we had separated and were living apart. Three months later we are moved back in together and have a far greater ability to hear each other than ever before. Our emotions do not run the show and we are able to deal with any tension that does come up in a much healthier way.  Thank you so much Michele!

Update after full programme: It was easy to open up to Michele, there was no judgement and a lot of honesty. 

Michele has a great way of naming and helping us to overcome our deep fears and feelings.  Overall we are on a different level as a couple. We laugh more, we are more together, more connected and there is more intimacy. 

I feel that I understand my partner and he understands me more too. There are less tense moments between us. On a personal level I feel more powerful,  I can recognise this in myself. I am more open and trusting in life. I started this work feeling lost, lonely and scared. I now have more trust in myself and feel more connected to my husband. Together we are making our family strong. Your guidance Michele was amazing, not just in the relationship but in regards to my life. I have far more acceptance of myself and in my relationship.

A & R Randell. Southampton

"It's a relief to know that it's okay to have the feelings I have..."

We felt like we were at breaking point when we first came to Michele. We have learnt many new tools and have moved much further along the way now. I feel like we are in a much softer, calm, open and honest marriage. We are happier together in general. I realise how important it is to express my feelings and to be in my body, rather than just overthinking everything all the time. It's a relief to know that it's okay to have the feelings I have. 

Michele has helped us open our eyes to new ways of thinking and seeing our relationship. She has given us a healthier framework to keep returning to and this has been invaluable.  Thank you Michele.
Carolyn and Oliver, France.

Michele has helped us open our eyes to new ways of thinking and seeing our relationship. She has given us a healthier framework to keep returning to and this has been invaluable.  Thank you Michele.Carolyn and Oliver, France.

"Our relationship is in a stronger place than 6 months ago."

Our relationship is in a stronger place than 6 months ago. Our sessions with you have helped us to get really vulnerable with each other. We are able to identify our own shadows and communicate better through any conflict and tension. We still have things to work on, I think everybody does, but we both feel like we’ve got a stronger foundation of soft skills to start with now.
Vera & Lewis, Leeds

"We are really in this together whereas before it was a totally different emotional state"

This work gave us a total transformation of our life not just our relationship. It opened up so much for us. We are really in this together whereas before it was a totally different emotional state. Now we know we trust each other and want to be together. This work has opened our minds as to how relationships really should work. It has helped us know and understand each other on a much deeper level. It has made us love each other more. Michele, you made it easy for us to follow your guidance. You brought a warmth to our relationship with you that made us feel safe to trust you. We are grateful we found you. Thank you. 
Sarah & Paul. Surrey.

"Our relationship has become far less toxic in a short amount of time..."

We chose to work with Michele as we were drawn to her own relationship experience and message. She has absolutely been a huge support and our relationship has become far less toxic in a short amount of time. We have some simple structures and concepts to always come back to in our relationship. Michele's work has not only helped us reduce our own personal anxiety but highlighted where we, as individuals, have been holding ourselves back and therefore how we have a greater ability to create connection in our relationship than we realised.
S & B Amin. Winchester

"We are having conversations we've never had before ..."

As a result of working with Michele we are having conversations we've never had before because we are not descending into our recurring patterns of shouting, blame, one upmanship and catastrophised thinking. We have realised that it's not about trying to avoid conflict and difficult conversations but to keep using the new tools and framework we have been given. It has also been enlightening to realise how much our personal shadows has been getting in the way of us having a healthier, happier relationship. We are much more aware of our sabotaging patterns now and feel much better equipped to move forward more positively.

Danielle & Paul, Yorkshire

"I have never felt so radically accepted, nurtured and supported..."

It is actually hard for me to put into words how good Michele is at what she does. I have seen quite a few psychotherapists over the years and literally not one has helped me on the scale that Michele has. She has an uncanny ability to ask the right questions, completely shifting the energy and taking me to a new level of understanding of myself and what is going on around me.

Michele challenges me to grow and will not let me get away with anything yet at the same time (and I don't know how she does it) I have never felt so radically accepted, nurtured and supported in my life.

Her methods of communication have completely changed my life, literally. She has given me practical examples of better ways of saying what I am trying to express, which are less confrontational and I can promise you they really work!

If you are wondering for one minute whether Michele can make a difference in your life then I truly can attest that she can!
Jennie, France

"I've gone deeper and allowed myself to feel his heart

and his intentions, his interactions are so healing".

The biggest shift has been my willingness to speak up more. The thing was I came to you not really knowing how. This work has been really subtle....I haven't had to run the gauntlet and in many ways I haven't been trying. The conversations have seeped in and the magic has happened.

I'm a lot more relaxed and confident about speaking up, even about the things that have more fear attached. I've become more rooted in myself and I have more skill and willingness to be a little messy.

I'm able to see all his efforts and as I've gone deeper and allowed myself to feel his heart and his intentions, his interactions are so healing.

Things that might have felt like a big issue before can be addressed. I'm getting so many things from this relationship that feel so good and that I had no idea I wanted. I can completely let go, have fun and be playful because at the end of the day I also have my own back.

I feel very blessed by our time together Michele, thank you!
Laura, Virgina. USA

I would go as far as to say life changing effect on me -

and I feel certain that some trauma shifted for me, almost overnight.

Though I only worked with Michele for a relatively short period of time, the knowledge and insight that I gleaned about myself and my communication is still invaluable months after our sessions. What I learned with Michele I apply within my relationship on a daily basis, and it is certainly in a more authentic, open and honest place because of that. I feel more ease and flow, and some of my fear around communicating my feelings to my partner has fallen away. 

The EFT work that Michele did with me had a huge - I would go as far as to say life changing effect on me - and I feel certain that some trauma shifted for me, almost overnight. I was so inspired by the shift that I’ve begun to train in EFT myself.

Michele is so genuine, and she isn’t afraid to advise and call out your shadows, which I found so refreshing and much more effective than just talking.

Amy, Cumbria. UK

"It helped to get the wheels of communication going in a different way".

We did this, I'm glad we did it. I think it helped to get the wheels of communication going in a different way than they were before. I am changed because of this experience. It has been enlightening working with you. I intuitively knew it was supposed to be you. It was all worth it, you have been a great guide. 
Ari, San Francisco. USA. 

"We've made a lot of progress and now have a toolkit to help us
deal with anything that comes up in a healthier way."

We've made a lot of progress and now have a tool-kit to help us deal with anything that comes up in a healthier way. Our communication is better and less dismissive.

We are also making an effort to spend more time together, which is helping. The biggest change for me is that I am less reactive and defensive. This was something I wanted to deal with at the start of the programme and I am now more aware of when I am close to being reactive and instead able to hold back and take a pause. I was also getting annoyed with myself and can handle that better. When I notice myself getting annoyed by anything I am able to acknowledge this and give myself compassion rather than letting it come out in my behaviour in ways that I don't want. 

This has all helped us share more openly anything that is bothering us to a more successful conclusion. I know I still need to practice using these tools and new forms of communication and sometimes it can be easy to default but generally I think we are in a better place and have the framework to fall back on.
Ben, London.

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