Michele Willmott
Michele Willmott, Relationship Coach and Mentor. I help successful men, women and couples renew and transform their relationship over the long-term.
Where & How to Find Your Extraordinary Love!
If you are struggling in your romantic life & you cannot quite work out where it’s all going pear-shaped you are looking for love in the wrong place! Yes, as you have no doubt heard, you need to love yourself first. But, more importantly, what people need to realise is that Love happens IN the NOW, in […]
How to navigate reoccurring conflict in love!
Every relationship experiences conflict on some level and in most cases, it is an opportunity for greater self-awareness, compassion and understanding. With greater awareness conflict can actually be used to help couples come together rather than grow apart. It is important to know, however, the types of conflict to look out for, which pose more […]
Is Your Relationship Calling for Growth?
When current divorce rate statistics like the following tell a sad story, when we are experiencing our own relationship struggles, it may be difficult to see a way out other than separation: “Almost 50% of all marriages in the USA will end in divorce or separation” “60% of second marriages end in divorce” “73% of all third marriages […]
Are you sabotaging your relationship?
Are you sabotaging your relationship? What is Relationship sabotage? Relationship sabotage is essentially any behaviour that threatens the harmony of a relationship and keeps you in a state of dissatisfaction. Sabotage can happen in all sorts of ways, some of which you can read below. Whilst no relationship is perfect, if you find yourself feeling unhappy more […]
To leave him or not??
If you are concerned about whether you are in the right relationship or are thinking that perhaps your partner is not ‘enough’ for you then I urge you to read on. Sometimes relationships run their course. I would always advise someone in an abusive relationship to leave along with anyone who’s most important values are being […]
How Menopause can threaten even healthy relationships!
How your Menopause can challenge your relationship! Perimenopause and Menopause are a time of transition for women and a time in which many relationships can come under much pressure and scrutiny. It is perhaps hardly surprising that a larger percentage of divorces that take place do so between the ages of 40-60 years and “women are […]
Hold the Vision for Your Relationship!
When you struggling in your relationship it’s often hard to feel positive & it’s much easier to lose yourself in your perceived problems. This post is not about dismissing your feelings as it is always crucial that they are acknowledged & given space, we are, after all human beings with emotions. However, it is also […]
Embracing your masculine and feminine energies for a deeper connection
Witnessing a couple stepping into their full presence hand in hand is a precious thing to behold, when their usual dynamic is one of attack & defend. Witnessing a man hold that space, physically & energetically, for his wife with strength & love is heart opening & beautiful. It brings tears to my eyes because the […]
Permission to go for what you want in your relationship
Permission is allowing, opening, inviting, adaptive, expansive. Rigidity is contracting, closing, controlling, repelling, pressurising, unattractive. Imagine if you were to invite more permission into your relationship!? Permission to explore; to be curious; to allow for mistakes; to take a deep breath & say something you have been scared to say; and what about permission to have what you […]
How to transform your romantic life once & for all!
You love your man but he just isn’t stepping up!He just does not seem capable of meeting your needs. You’ve tried expressing what you want, putting boundaries in but still there’s that nagging doubt. ‘Could I do better?’ you ask yourself & your ego is quick to rely “yes”! And the cycle starts again.Sometimes you are fine and […]