
Creating Profound Change
for Successful Couples.

"Genuinely Michele, you have helped us save our marriage. 
We were talking divorce when we
came to you, we haven't mentioned it since."

Is your relationship at crisis point, where you are...

- Feeling more like roommates than lovers?

- Walking on eggshells to avoid another explosive argument?

- Constantly doubting whether you can trust your partner?

- Wondering if there's someone else out there who might be a better match?

- Feeling undervalued and taken for granted in your relationship?

- Frustrated with your partner's avoidance or defensiveness?

If this sounds familiar, is time to create a relationship where...

- You can communicate with openness and greater understanding.

- Conflicts become opportunities for growth and deeper connection.

- You support each other's dreams while nurturing your shared vision.

- Intimacy flourishes, both emotionally and physically.

- You can share fun experiences as well as meaningful touches that say 'I see you!'

I help you harness your strengths as individuals to build a stronger partnership.

My proven coaching approach delivers excellent results, helping you create the fulfilling relationship you deserve.

My Unique Approach 

My approach goes beyond traditional marriage counselling.

I uncover subtle patterns of sabotage that hold you back, paving the way for profound, lasting change.

Importantly, I also address fundamental differences between men and women, that must be brought into the mix.
Whether you are dealing with anger, defensiveness, or feeling your partner isn't stepping up; I offer nuanced, refined strategies tailored to your unique dynamics.

My programmes include a high level of support between sessions to ensure you stay on the right track. This provides you with crucial insights to help deepen your understanding along the way. 

This is what I would like you to know...

If there is still love between you and your partner
and you share similar values, significant 
transformation is possible.
With the right approach and commitment,
your renewed connection can just be around the corner.

Your Energy is Key When it Comes to Love

The energy that drives your behaviour is by far the most important factor
when it comes to transforming your relationship.

You may have tried various relationship tips and tools. 
You may think what you are doing makes rational sense.

However, every time you use these strategies with 'distorted' energy
 (most of the time you will be unaware you are doing this), 
unfortunately, you will only create more struggle.

When you know how to show up in your true empowered energy 
you put yourself in a far stronger position to turn things around.

You gain the power to shift the relationship dynamics
without waiting for your partner to change first.

The good news is....

You have never been powerless to create the love you want.
Societal messages have just successfully led you to believe that you are.

Ready to Transform Your Relationship?

I welcome you to embark on this life changing journey.

Book a call with me below to explore how I can help you.

"I definitely recommend this program to anyone"

My husband and I were going through a very big crisis in our relationship.
After 10 years, we were close to divorce, not because we wanted to
but because it seemed like there was no other way.
When my husband agreed to do couples coaching, I found Michele and she seemed to
have a different and very direct approach. We didn't regret it and thank god we did it!
The structure she provided is very powerful and helped us interact in a new, healthier way. 

What I have learned is not only about how to interact with my husband
in a different way but also how to be a more empowered human being.

I definitely recommend this program to anyone. It is definitely worth every cent.
She is there for you EVERY step of the way, doing the extra mile when needed.
Michele changed my life and I will never be thankful enough that our paths crossed!

Audrey, Switzerland

"Before you hit the button on divorce, try Michele"
We approached Michele at a time in our lives where, in theory, we should never have been happier,
but in fact we’d never been more dissatisfied with our relationship or cross at each other.
Despite our best efforts, we found ourselves stuck in repetitive, unresolved conversations
and we were struggling to communicate honestly without triggering each other.
We needed a way to shift these patterns.
Michele’s unique framework and method provided us with invaluable tools to
navigate our emotions and difficult conversations.
Her approach encouraged us to become more curious and self-aware, 
which has made a significant difference in our interactions. 

We have experienced clear progress in our relationship:
- Our conversations have become less tense and reactive.
- We have developed more patience and are spending more quality time together.
- There is less need to be right and more willingness to cede the floor during discussions. 

- We feel like more like a team again, with increased trust in each other.  
- We have achieved a deeper level of honesty, both within ourselves and with each other......

Cian and Samantha, Surrey

Relationship coaching and therapy available in Guildford, Surrey,
Harley Street London
and Online. 

This highly transformational work will help you step into your true power. Here you will be able to create a relationship that is fulfilling and connected over the long-term.

If you are not sure whether or not you want to stay in your relationship, this work will also help you get the clarity you are searching for. 

A relationship where conflict, arguments and avoidance do not get to run the show!

Schedule a Complimentary Call

(Price information available before confirming call)


Why Your Love life
Has Fallen Behind 
Your Work Success

How to move past avoidance, conflict
and stagnancy in your relationship and
create long-lasting transformation.

(Short 10 Page Document)

Any testimonials stated on this page or on any pages on this website are proof of the success of Michele's work. Results may vary from person to person depending on your commitment and specific situation.

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