How to transform your romantic life one & for all! | Michele Willmott

How to transform your romantic life once & for all!

relationship coaching with Michele Willmott

You love your man but he just isn't stepping up!
He just does not seem capable of meeting your needs.

You've tried expressing what you want, putting boundaries in but still there's that nagging doubt.

'Could I do better?' you ask yourself & your ego is quick to rely "yes"!

And the cycle starts again.
Sometimes you are fine and everything feels like it's ok but then it's not long before you feel those pangs of loneliness,
of not being heard & seen.

So what do you do?
Ride the rough with the smooth?
After all no relationship is perfect is it!

How about the cycle goes completely?

Goes completely because there are no longer any attachments in place that actually trigger you to think or feel like this!

Attachments are a sign of conditional love where we are basically saying "I need you to be xyz in order for me to be ok"
Attachments also mean that you end up forever waiting for your man to magically change before your very eyes.
Such a lack of trust & faith is only ever going to manifest struggle, for you & your relationship!

So what is the answer?

These attachments have to go.

Otherwise, you keep on repeating the same old patterns of behaviour in your relationship time & time again.

Incremental changes are fine but only go so far & fall short of the big transformation that actually brings you ease, pleasure & joy in your romantic life.

To once & for all overhaul your romantic life whether you are single or in a relationship my 4 month fully supported programmes book your 30 minute call in here.

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

About the Author

Michele Willmott, Relationship Coach and Mentor. I help successful men, women and couples renew and transform their relationship over the long-term.