When You Are Both Right But Still Disconnected

Breaking Through the Communication Smokescreen: Why Being "Right" Isn't Enough
Do you often find yourself in a conversation with your partner where you both have completely valid points, yet somehow you are still stuck?
You might even acknowledge each other's perspective, but the discussion keeps going nowhere, perhaps even becoming competitive. If this sounds familiar, you are not alone – and there's more going on beneath the surface than you might realise.
The Invisible Dance of Avoidance
What many couples don't realise is that dysfunctional communication patterns are often rooted in avoidance, even when they don't look like avoidance at all. This might seem counterintuitive, especially if you or your partner are the type to initiate difficult conversations or express emotions freely.
But here's the truth: avoidance isn't just about staying silent or walking away from conflicts. Sometimes, the most effective form of avoidance is hiding in plain sight – talking a lot, but never quite touching the real issue.
Think about it: Have you ever:
- Had the same argument multiple times, just with different topics?
- Found yourself expressing strong emotions about something, but felt oddly unsatisfied even after a lengthy discussion?
- Noticed that despite all your "communication," nothing really changes?
This is because what looks like open communication might actually be a sophisticated smoke and mirrors show – a way to stay safely on the surface while avoiding the deeper, more vulnerable truths underneath.
The Self-Sabotage Paradox
We are all unknowingly conditioned to sabotage our relationships. It sounds harsh, but this self-sabotage stems from our deepest fear: ultimate rejection. The cruel irony? These very patterns we use to protect ourselves from rejection often end up creating exactly what we fear most.
It works like this:
1. We fear rejection
2. We develop protective patterns to avoid vulnerability
3. These patterns create emotional distance
4. The emotional distance leads to actual rejection or disconnection
5. This reinforces our original fear, strengthening the pattern
The Four Patterns of Relationship Sabotage
Through my years of working with couples, I have identified four main patterns that keep relationships stuck:
1. Addiction to Drama
Instead of facing real issues, we create surface-level conflicts that keep us safely away from genuine vulnerability. The drama becomes a substitute for real intimacy.
Other addictions are common here: alcohol, food, gambling, drugs, pornography.
2. Fear of Our Own Power
We diminish ourselves or hold back, afraid that being fully ourselves might overwhelm or drive away our partner. This creates a cycle of resentment and disconnection.
In this pattern we are more likely to give our power away to our partner and and think they are the one that needs to change. Here, we may have an underlying subconscious fear that we are unlovable or there something wrong with us. We may often also act in entitled ways expecting our partner to do the work, whilst we also need to step up and make changes.
3. Victimhood
Getting stuck in blame and powerlessness, unable to see our role in creating change. This pattern keeps us safe from taking responsibility but also prevents real growth.
There is usually a lot of underlying anger and sadness underlying this sabotage pattern. These feelings and the thoughts that go with them need to be addressed. When we can relate to our anger in a healthier way, we can use it as fuel to show up in more productive ways in our relationship.
4. Overthinking
Analysis paralysis that keeps us in our heads instead of in our hearts. We think we are solving problems, but we are actually avoiding feeling.
When we are in our head too much we are not connected to ourselves. It is no wonder we cannot connect to our partner.
Our body contains much innate wisdom if we could only tap into it. When we can trust our bodies navigational system, We feel more confident about speaking up and having the kinds of conversations that go deeper than just surface issues.
The Roots Run Deep
These patterns don't appear out of nowhere. They are the result of:
- Early family dynamics and messages about love
- Societal conditioning about relationships
- Past relationship experiences
- Cultural myths about what love should look like
The longer these patterns go unchecked, the more ingrained they become, creating deeply rooted neural pathways that feel impossible to change.
Breaking Free: The Path to Real Connection
The good news? These patterns can be transformed. But it requires more than just "better communication skills" or surface-level fixes. It requires:
1. Recognition of these deeper patterns
2. Understanding of their origins
3. Willingness to feel uncomfortable
4. Commitment to new ways of relating
5. Support and guidance through the process
This is why I have developed a comprehensive framework that helps couples move beyond these ingrained patterns. My 6 and 12 month programs are designed for couples ready for radical transformation – those willing to dive beneath the surface and create lasting change.
The Result?
Couples who commit to this work discover:
- Genuine emotional intimacy that grows deeper over time
- The ability to navigate conflicts without getting stuck
- A relationship that feels alive and dynamic
- Consistent connection that doesn't depend on "perfect" communication
- The joy of being fully seen and accepted by their partner
Your Next Step
If you recognise these patterns in your relationship and you are ready for real change, please do reach out. My transformational programs are designed specifically for couples who are:
- Tired of surface-level solutions
- Ready to break free from old patterns
- Committed to creating lasting change
- Willing to do the deeper work required for real transformation
Contact me today for a consultation to learn how we can work together to transform your relationship from stuck to thriving.
Remember: The patterns that keep you stuck were learned, which means new patterns can be created. Your relationship has the potential for deep, lasting connection – you just need the right support to get there.
Book your complimentary 30 minute call here.