
Elevate your coaching work and make a greater impact.

Become a Highly Effective Relationship Mentor
12 Month Private 1 to 1 Programme.

This programme will offer you the knowledge and tools to
effectively help men, women and couples move beyond the conflict
and avoidance they are experiencing in their relationship.

This programme will also be a personal journey for you to embark on.
It will have a transformational impact on your own relationship
as well as in your business and in relation to your money story.

What you will learn, receive and experience as a result of this mentoring programme:

  • The Love Alchemy Framework:
    A new paradigm for healthy relating

    via an Archetypal Framework.

  • The Profound Permission Method:
    A highly nuanced and powerful Somatic and Cognitive technique that 

    helps individuals activate the power of their body and become
    a cleaner energetic match for the relationship and life they want to create.
  • The ability to step out of shadow and into your true power 
    to create more of what you want in love, work and money.
    The ability to help your clients do this too.

  • The ability to integrate disowned, lost and hidden selves
     and embody the huge gifts they possess.
  • How to help clients alchemise their feelings rather than just managing them.
    This work is missing from many modalities and will help give you
    the confidence and edge that has been missing in your work up until now.

  • A deep understanding of the differences between
    healthy and wounded feminine and masculine energy.
     How to ensure that they work together rather than against each other
     in you as an individual, and in your own and clients' relationship(s).

  • Advice, support and mentoring to help you become far more magnetic
    in your own relationship, your business and your money story

  • Weekly sessions + check-ins

  • All educational information 




You do not have to be a relationship coach but
must have some coaching experience already.   
Each case will be assessed on individual merits and perceived suitability.

Please register your interest by emailing me 
via the envelope button below.

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