
Private 1 to 1 Transformational
Shadow/Power Work 

You know you are here for MORE life...

- You yearn to have a powerful and successful impact; one that is truly fulfilling.

- You are already successful in your chosen field (or have been).

- You want more from your relationships; a deeper connection; more fun; more harmony.

- You are ready for some deeper, transformational, inner work.

- You may also have a desire to activate and uncover your own genius body of work beyond your current capacity. 

The key to activating the next phase of your journey in a way that truly lights you up...

and that doesn't involve you having to sell 
your soul and time for less than you desire is....

Your Energy 

To be truly magnetic to what you want to create,
your energy needs to consistently be a match for your desired objective.

This has nothing to do with being 'high vibe' but more to do with 
ensuring that any ingrained patterns of sabotage
do not lead you in your actions and behaviours.

The majority of people are doing this without even realising.
 Unfortunately this only serves to create and

attract more of what they don't want.

This is your sliding doors moment...

Decide and choose that you are the powerful human being capable of creating the life and work that you want to believe is possible


Let your conditioned and sabotaging parts lead you.

Many coaches and therapists have numerous trainings under their belts. They have tried ALL the things and have many accolades to their credit.

However, no matter how hard they try, their dream business remains elusive to them. 
Worse still their own genius body of work remains inside of them.

They are constantly choosing the wrong door!

Why Hire Me?

Nothing has changed my life and my work like shadow and power work. 
I thank myself often for taking the plunge and going against my conditioning. 

It has truly helped me claim back my power to create more of what I want in my work, in my marriage and with regards to money. Whilst I am ever evolving and so is my work, I know I am aligned and I know I am on the right track. I didn't know this for far too long!

This work is and has changed the relationships of my clients. The impact can be quick although of course, it requires consistency and commitment over time. 

Whilst my niche is romantic relationships, this work has helped my clients create big changes in their careers and businesses. It has helped improve relationships with family members and children.

Our whole life is a relationship with self after all. This work will help you embrace all the parts that have never had a look in but are crucial to your next level of success and fulfilment.

Our relationship with self can be a battle,
especially when shadow is leading us.
What I have learnt along my journey is: 

Clean up your shadow as much as you can so that it
doesn't get to have the final say in how you show up.

Mastering your shadow will help you gain the confidence
and courage to totally forge your own path.
To charge the higher prices.

 To help your clients more powerfully.
To enjoy healthier relationships.

To feel more at peace with yourself and all aspects of self.
To play around in the space of the unknown,

which is where your unique work is already residing.

Results Possible with
Shadow and Power Work

Here are some of my client results along with some of my own

  • 'Downloading' a completely unique and new body of work that is highly transformational for clients.
  • £10K and £20k months (but more importantly earning the money in a way that feels fully aligned and without the hustle energy).
  • Coaching package prices raised 5-fold and receiving clients who will pay this.  
  • Working less hours but still booking out group programmes.
  • Earning more in the first 4 months of a year than the whole previous year.
  • Greatly improved communication with partner and family members.
  •  Able to move past debilitating patterns of behaviour.
  • Moving past mental health and addiction issues (and the labels that keep them boxed in).
  • Couples moving from zero intimacy to renewed passion and physical intimacy.
  • New jobs aligned with passions and creating a much yearned for sense of purpose.
  • Closing down a successful (but draining) business and following the desire to start a new consultancy.

What's Included in this 6 Month Journey


Weekly Calls for the first 2 months, followed by bi-weekly calls + Email/WhatsApp support (Wed-Sun) 

I provide a high level of support for my clients. You can check in with me on a weekly basis with any questions. I also write to you with my insights and extra educational information in between our session.


 A new paradigm or framework based on integrity and power V the old paradigm (& dominant societal framework) based on shadow sabotage.

This work will be specifically tailored to your unique situation. It will help you dig out the unconscious sabotage, so that it stops leading you up the wrong paths!


The Profound Permission Method™

This method nails the finer and more subtle nuances of shadow sabotage so that you can step more cleanly into your power. This method ensures that your shadow does not keep sabotaging you. It is in essence a framework that I give you to use in your own unique way. This method is adept at getting you in your body, even if you think you aren't good at doing this!


A Timeline Repair Session

A Timeline Repair session is an effective way of releasing old and trapped emotional energy that is still driving your behaviour (without you realising). 

You will receive an audio of this so that you can use it whenever you feel the need. 


 6 Month, 1 to 1 Shadow and Power Programme


If you are interested and would like to find out more
please book a complimentary call via the button below.