
How to Radically Transform Your Anxiety in Love & Business!



With Michele Willmott

Reserve Your Seat Now, for this Masterclass Training that will change the way you think & feel about your Anxiety...



It's happening Tuesday
(June 25th) at...

at 6pm GMT (London)

What You'll Learn & Takeaway in this Live Masterclass:

*How & why you need to change your relationship with desire in order to change your relationship with anxiety

*1 tool that will radically transform your anxiety and therefore the degree 

to which you can feel & receive love from yourself & others

*Why anxiety is an opportunity that can create more love in your life 
*Why women have a dysfunctional relationship with desire (this is not about sex, but involves sex too)

& hence suffer more from anxiety

*How to use anxiety to increase your sense of aliveness in the moment

*How to get to the bottom of what is fuelling your anxiety 

Added Bonus: You will personally be able to ask Michele questions relating to your

own personal situation before & during the class! 

Price​ for Masterclass


*Important Note:  in order to keep this class personal & private the available places

on this masterclass are strictly limited to 10 places!

Reserve your spot now so that you can benefit from Michele's extensive

therapy & coaching experience & training on this topic!

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